Estimated Seller
Proceeds Worksheet

fill in gray areas below

Property Address
Agent Name
Estimated Closing Date
Summer Taxes Winter Taxes
Charges Credits
Sales Price
Brokerage Fee
Brokerage/Compliance Fee
Sellers' Concessions
Home Warranty
First Mortgage
Second Mortgage/Home Equity
Property Taxes Due
Occupancy Escrow
Water Escrow
*Summer Tax Proration
*Winter Tax Proration
Title Insurance & Fees
State Transfer Tax
County Transfer Tax
Lien Release Tracking Fee
Payoff handling fee
Misc title fees (when applicable)
Estimated Seller Proceeds
Agent Notes
Seller Signature

The above figures are approximate and are to be used as a guide only. The Sellers may have an insurance and/or tax credit due. Final Statements are prepared prior to closing. This will signify that I have seen the approximate cash proceeds on the sale of my home.

*Property tax proration's are based on local custom in metro-Detroit. This calculation may vary depending on terms in your purchase agreement.